Estudio Contable Buenos Aires

Sectores dentro de un Estudio Contable

Por lo general dependerá de qué tipo de servicios brinde el Estudio Contable en si, pero hoy vamos a detallar nuestros sectores. Así es, hoy hablaremos de los sectores que tiene Estudio Alonso y Asociados.

Tabla de Contenido

Contabilidad y Auditoría en un Estudio Contable

Our independence and ability to evaluate the integrity of our clients and their status as a going concern allows us to give an opinion about the reasonableness of their equity, economic and financial situation.

¿Qué hace el sector de Contabilidad y Auditoría de un Estudio Contable?

- Analytical revision of accounting account
-Sugerencias de procedimientos de control interno para preservar la confiabilidad de la información contable.
- Compliance testing of internal control.
- Evaluation of the assets, economic and financial situation.
- Comparative analysis of the capital variations.
- Analysis of financial and economic impacts.
- Analysis of financial statements.
-Elaboración de balance de saldos y reportes mensuales.
-Presentación de Estados Contables ante la I.G.J.
-Confección y Armado de Estados Contables.

Además nos especializamos en:
-Auditing of financial statements of national and transnational companies.
-Auditing of consolidated financial 
-Operational and management auditing.
-Internal auditing.
-Auditing with application of local 
 and international accounting standards.

DATA ENTRY – Con Soporte Contable e Impositivo

We carry out a reliable, clear and accurate analysis and review of financial statements in order to evaluate the company's performance and reflect the economic reality for internal and external decision-making.

¿Qué hace el sector de Data Entry de un Estudio Contable?

- Recording of accounting information.
- Validation of documents before regulatory bodies.
- Bank reconciliations.
- Preparation of subsidiary ledgers for the subsequent tax settlement.
- Recording of monthly tax and labor positions.
- Integration with clients in accounting systems.
- Registration of operations, analysis and account reconciliations.

Sector ADMINISTRATIVO de un Estudio Contable:

With the objective of offering an integral service and adapting to each client’s needs, we provide solutions to small, medium and large companies in their need to consult, delegate and/or outsource administrative tasks.

¿Qué hace el sector Administrativo de un Estudio Contable?

– Asesoramiento en trámites registrales para el comienzo de la actividad de personas jurídicas y físicas ante los diferentes Organismos Fiscales (AFIP, Aduana, Rentas) y trámites en general.
- Billing.
- Collection management.
- Payment to suppliers.
- Advice on the preparation of minutes of the administrative and management bodies of the company and their publication in the Official Bulletin.
- Transcription of information to valid corporate and accounting books.
– Confección de Informes, Dictámenes y Certificaciones Contables en general requeridos por los distintos organismos reguladores.
– Asistencia administrativa integral.
- News information to customers according to their scope of action.
- Requests for reports to the Superintendence of Corporations (IGJ) and payment of fees.
- Corporate advice.

Sector de Impuestos de un Estudio Contable

We accompany our clients from the beginning of the relationship with the treasury, in order to prevent any risk that could affect tax contingencies. We maintain a professional relationship with the tax authorities in their various jurisdictions, achieving the best tax position.

We are known for helping to adapt corporate structures, providing advice and solutions to operate with lower tax costs whilst faithfully respecting tax laws.

Our main objective is to keep organizations permanently updated in the face of tax news.

¿Qué hace el sector de Impuestos de un Estudio Contable?

- Analysis, planning and preparation of national, provincial and municipal tax affidavits.
- Assistance and advice in the preparation of tax return and refund applications.
- Exclusion of withholding / collecting tax regimes.
- Analysis of international double taxation agreements and their application.
- Technical assistance in relation to the specific problems caused by taxation.
- Technical assistance for contingencies of a criminal-tax nature.
- Advice on international operations.
- Presentation of payment plans and moratoriums. Support with inspections.
- Local and international tax consulting.
- Fiscal audits and due diligence.
- Transfer pricing evaluations.
- Solutions to embargoes (tax executions).
- Transfer pricing evaluations.
- Special regimes for the application of the reduction or exclusion of down payments, withholdings and application of national, provincial and municipal taxes.
- Applications for certificates and advice from small and medium sized companies.
- Evaluation of tailored tax benefits.

Brindamos soporte al área de Recursos Humanos de las organizaciones en todas aquellas tareas que requieran de disponibilidad operativa, garantizando nuestra calidad de servicio y atención personalizada.

¿Qué hace el sector de Recursos Humanos de un Estudio Contable?

- Calculation of salaries and wages.
- Experience in a variety of collective agreements and labor regimes (LCT / Agrarian Work / Private Houses, CCT: commerce-UOM-cinemas-cargo transportation-health-oil-pastry chefs among others).
- Preparation of social charges and generation of union receipts.
- Calculation of income tax, 4th category.
- Advice on how to fill in the SIRADIG EMPLEADO form.
- Support and guidance on signing of loose-leaf pages and digital salary books from different jurisdictions.
- Issuing of report lists, according to specific requirements.
- Advice on preparation and updating of files according to current legislation.
- Registration procedures: labor risk insurance, health insurance, unions, life insurance.
- Deregistration procedures: Telegram models, health insurance, life insurance, unions, labor risk insurance.
- Analytical control / supervision of outsourced settlements.
- Preparation of reports on current pension news.
- Support with labor requirements and inspections.

Our Mision:

Through our experience, we provide comprehensive advice and solutions with commitment and effort. We accompany companies in consolidating their foundations to grow appropriately.

Our professional bond translates into permanent work with our client, gaining knowledge of their problems and needs that arise daily.